St. Luke’s UMC, Indianapolis and Operation Doctor are sending three medical continuing education teams to Sierra Leone next January and April. Teams work with existing medical staffs to upgrade skills in infrastructure, leadership development, management, finance and patient care at Kissy UMC Hospital in Freetown, Mercy Hospital in Bo and a village clinic upcountry. St. Luke’s and OD have been sending teams for the past 3 years. A general surgeon, pediatrician, pediatric nurse, ultrasound technician (Jan. team), and a person who can train maintenance personnel are especially needed. Depending on space on the 10 member teams, other allied health personnel are welcome.
Teams depart Indianapolis on January 9. January 23 and April 10. Each wi ll serve for two weeks, including travel time. Some arrangements for a shorter time of service may be possible for those with especially needed skills. The total cost, excluding travel meals, laundry, and spending money is $3100.
For information, contact the team leaders, Don Griffith,, or Marilyn Griffith, They can also be reached at 317-823-9390.