If you have been thinking of attending Dr. Young's Basic Microscopy Course now is the time to come to the Rancho del Sol in beautiful San Diego. California.
Dr. Young is offering for the first time a 3-Day Basic Microscopy Course on September 14th, 15th and 16th.
You will learn in three days the New Biology and the basics of live and dried blood cell analysis.
You will also receive a $5000 credit toward the 6-Day Basic Mircroscopy Course.
The following is an unsolicited testimony of one of the naturopathic doctors that attended Dr. Young's last Basic Microscopy Course.
I hope to see you in San Diego this coming September!
And now the testimony . . . .
"If you ever have the opportunity and interest to attend a Microscopy Course this would be the one of choice as it is not just one of analysis. This course offers the solutions needed to make changes which bring vitality and balance at a very deep level which may be seen and verified from viewing live and dried blood as well as experienced while attending.
While others may give training on how to view the blood and analyze conditions, many courses would stop there. As in Allopathic Medicine, people spend enormous sums of money and time to find out a name for their conditions, add an "itis" on the end and you have inflammation, add an "osis" on the end and you have degeneration, but this goes beyond all of that and empowers the student and client/patient to make positive changes for their own well being.
I look back with much appreciation for the work of Dr. Young and his staff and for the opportunity to view a life designed for the betterment of mankind as well as fostering a profitable and personally fulfilling livelihood while nestled in a personal piece of paradise. Dr. Young is a man who actually lives what he teaches, with the very look of clearness and integrity, without the guise of ego.
I have had the good fortune to study with some of the greatest minds and healers in Naturopathy, Science, Quantum Medicine, Quantum Physics and Metaphysics offering differing views and perspective to see as well the commonalities that each one share as an integral piece of a puzzle within the matrix of the collective and to experience both as a doctor and a student. I've learned through the years and cycles from flit to elate, to tout and to wane and finally through trials and tribulations coming to a balance and clear knowing that you actually can feel great even in this non perfect world. Dr. Young is one of the contributors whose valued work can add this personal perspective and vitality to your life.
Dr. Theresa M. Moorhead, N.D
For more information on Dr. Young's 3-day Basic Microscopy Course go to:
In Love and Healing Light,
Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Founder of 'THE NEW BIOLOGY' ®
LIVING'™ for Health.