Tuesday, October 26, 2010

News From Camphor Mission in Liberia

Rev. Kathy Dickriede a UMC deacon in the East Ohio Annual Conference and her husband Dr. Danny Dickriede, an ER doctor with the Cleveland Clinic have served as long term UMVIM volunteers in Liberia West Africa at the Camphor Mission Station. They lived at Camphor Mission Station from September 2009-March 2010 and will travel again January 2011-March 2011.  Two UMVIM teams will travel with them to Camphor again in June and July of 2011. The July 9-24th team still has openings. If you would like to hear more about the work that they are participating in at Camphor please contact them at kathyd@camphormission.org

Danny and Kathy have been blessed to be home in the East Ohio Conference of TUMC since the beginning of March 2010.  We came home earlier than planned due to Danny's mom's death.  I have spent much time speaking at local churches in worship, for UMW events, outreach ministries, youth events, and sharing the ministry of Camphor at the District level.  I have been impressed and amazed at the variety of ways we are doing ministry together, small and large churches, rural and city, traditional and modern, all doing dynamic ministry in the name of Jesus Christ.  

The Camphor Mission Station continues to move forward under the leadership of Paul Glaydor.  
Some accomplishments since March . . .
Completion of 2 hand dug water wells in neighboring villages and building of latrines
Hosted 2 teams, Minnesota and Garfield UMC
Guesthouse ready to host visitors
Hosted long term volunteer, Sarah Forsyth
Traditional Birth Attendant Training at clinic
Securing a donated vehicle from UMCOR Health
Reorganized school board

Camphor's Greatest Needs
Salary support , $4000 a month to 55 employees on payroll
General budget, feeding, transportation, and communication

Current Appointment: I have spent this Annual Conference year in part time ministry in two places.  I am appointed to 10-15 hours a week at Mentor UMC, working with missions and in other pastoral roles.  I am also contracted by the Conference, 10 hours a week, to facilitate the work of the Bishop's 3C's Initiative.  The work at the conference level includes telling the Camphor story as well as promoting the work of classrooms in Zimbabwe in the Kennsington area and churches in Russia.  

Danny and I will be returning to Camphor January 1 until March 6, 2011.  We will be traveling with three other volunteers.  Brittany (Mentor UMC) is a senior pre-med major who will be with us for 4 weeks.  Lynn and Ian Kallay (Mentor UMC) are mother and son who will be with us for 2 weeks.  Later in February returning volunteers Kevin Schaner, (Church of the Saviour Cleveland Heights) retired school librarian, and Janet Kleckner, (Brecksville UMC) magistrate/tutor, will be with us for 2-3 weeks.  Also traveling for three weeks in February is Jack Hopkins, (Geneva UMC) horticulturalist/agriculturalist.  All will be sharing their gifts and talents on the Camphor Mission Station.

Mentor UMC is still collecting items for a 20 foot container to be shipped to Camphor Mission.  The date for shipment has yet to be determined as we are awaiting word from Firestone about the details.  Please email if you have items or questions about this ministry.  Items are being stored in Eastlake, Ohio.  Items still needed are household furniture, school lockers, and agriculture tools.

Camphor Mission has also gotten the attention of the United Methodist Individual Volunteer in Mission (UMIVIM) program.  Sarah Forsyth was a 2.5 month volunteer from the Baltimore Conference sharing her skills as an ER Nurse.  I am in contact with two other volunteers from Texas and Tennessee who are interested in making a commitment to Camphor for 3-6 months in 2011.  Exciting times for ministry at Camphor.  

Upcoming UMVIM Trips:  On June 25 through July 24 of 2011, 2 teams of 10 people will be traveling to Camphor for 2 weeks each.  There area vacancies on the July team and plans for ministry are underway.  If you are interested in traveling to West Africa to Liberia and the Camphor Mission Station, we are hoping to set dates for early 2012 for the next teams!

Future Itineration: If you are interested in arranging a time for me to share in worship for April, May, or June 2011 please contact me. I can share information about Camphor as well as The Bishop's Initiative Clinics Classrooms and Churches with your congregation, community group, worship, UMW, youth ministry, senior citizen's group, or bible study.  

"Risk taking mission and service involves work that stretches people, causing them to do something for the good of others that they would never have considered doing if it were not for their relationship with Christ and their desire to serve him. .  . . moves us beyond our comfort zone, and presses us to follow Christ into more adventurous encounters with people.  As we do so, God's Spirit changes us, changes others, and changes our churches.  That's Risk-taking Mission and Service" (Five Practices of a Fruitful Congregation, Robert Schnase, 88).

Are you up for the challenge?

Thank you for this partnership, your prayers, and your promise to be a part of this ministry now and into the future.

UMVIM Trip Dates
June 25-July 10, 2011
July 9-July 24, 2011

Mentor UMC 
8600 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, Ohio 44060