Monday, November 15, 2010

United Methodists of Roscoe, IL Host Senegal Consultation

Rev. Paul Messer Preaches
Supporters, veteran volunteer missioners and friends of the United Methodist movement in Senegal gathered at the Roscoe, Illinois United Methodist Church to hear about progress with the women's workshop, education of local community health workers and growth within the Senegalese United Methodist Churches.

The Friday evening worship and concert was webcast live via the United Methodist's 10 Fold Program.  One of the gathering's goals was to raise  $2000 to support the ongoing work of the women's workshop, which helps Senegalese women establish an income through fabric and craft arts. Through the generosity of the group, well over $2000 was collected.

Chicago UMC African Choir Sings

The program featured Rev. Joe Bleck, a Senegalese District Superintendant in Dakar, Rev. Paul Messer, UM Missionary to Dakar, Dr. Carol Meynen, who was involved in training community health workers and Rev. Patrick Friday, representing the General Board of Global Ministries and the 10 Fold Program.

The Chicago UMC African Choir performed for attendees and was sometimes joined by Rev. Bleck on the guitar.