Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Validates The Benefits of Alkalinity

I thought you might be interested in a message from the founder of Transadental Meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi confirming Dr. Young's theories on meditation and alkalinity.

From an audio recording (No 2) made in Hochgurgelin in 1962 - (Thanks to Jörg Schenk)

"Question: I have the feeling that the state of restful alertness (during TM) is concentrated in the forehead...

Maharishi: Some day in the first week of the course, I think I have said, that the whole brain matter becomes illuminant. Illuminant means nothing remains inactive and nothing remains active.

A state of all the experiencing nerves between talamus and cortex, they are neither active nor passive. Just ready to be either active or passive. In that state of pure consciousness, in that glow...

Question: Can this state of suspension be prolonged indefinite and if so, what is the effect on the brain cells?

Maharishi: Yes, it can be prolonged indefinite. If it is held for very long time, the body will become alkaline. Because, not to decay is the quality of alkaline body. And as long as the individual mind gets to that universal consciousness, the body has to be intact.. In order that it remains intact, it becomes alkaline.

If the body is acidic, more of acid in the system, then the oxygen going in becomes carbondioxide. If the body is acidic, more carbondioxide is produced. To throw it out, the exhalations become deeper, heavier. When the exhalations become heavier, inhalations become correspondingly heavier also. So the breath flows heavy when the system is acidic.

Opposite to this, when the acidity becomes less then the breath becomes slow. That is why during meditation the breath becomes slow, the body becomes less acidic, more alkaline.

This is the reason why the body lasts longer for those who meditate, long life. With meditation the blood chemistry changes, becomes less acidic, more alkaline...

...taking into consideration the slowing of the breath during meditation we conclude without even experimenting and without even testing that the system becomes less acidic..."

"I have found through blood, urine and saliva pH and ORP testing that meditation and prayer does reduce metabolic acidosis and thus helps to keep the body in an alkaline state. In this state the body is less suseptible to sickness and/or dis-ease. One will find through daily meditation or prayer a more peaceful, loving and blissful state that is always associated with an alkaline body fluid pH," states Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center.