I began following Dr. Robert Young's work around 2004. I have to stay up to date with what is happening in the exercise and nutritional research world because I have been working with clients with health issues for many years.
For many years I felt Dr Youngs work was really brilliant, but was not, to be honest, sure of his character. So, in 2009 I went to see him lecture in London to find out, in my opinion, first hand, for myself, where his heart was. It was an incredible weekend... Dr Youngs work is controversial to mainstream medicine, but mainstream medicine is NOT working.
It is ridiculous to use symptom release medicine to treat or cure disease - it is quite literally insanity. After watching, listening and carefully paying attention to Dr Young for the entire weekend, I have to say he is a truly extraordinary scientist and his HEART IS IN THE RIGHT PLACE - he wants to help the children (and adults) on this earth.
He is a Nutritionist with PASSION and purpose. He totally believes in his work and says clearly... 'Health is YOUR responsibility'.
I personally use Doc Broc and puripHy everyday and recommend these product wholeheartedly to everyone I meet.
Watch this space, because although some people may be criticizing Dr Youngs work now, I believe these people will be following it in years to come and saying... 'well, I was wrong and Dr. Young was right!'
Anthony Aurelius, 'The UK's No.1 Fitness Expert and The Patron of Fitness & Exercise Well-Being for the NHS'